These brands are already using the waste sorting label:
A label that explains waste separation and can be used by any registered distributor
The association Trennhinweis e.V. provides distributors with waste sorting labels in flexible design variants for packaging free of charge. The packaging labels have been proven to help consumers dispose of packaging correctly: according to a YouGov survey, packaging with the labels by Trennhinweis e.V. is disposed of correctly by consumers on average almost twice as often as packaging without the logo.
The sorting labels may be used by any distributor registered with the German Central Agency Packaging Register (Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister ZSVR). The logos may print the free waste sorting labels onto packaging distributed in and outside of Germany.
The waste sorting labels: for Germany and Europe
The design options fulfil the requirements for standardised, cross-manufacturer packaging labelling and allow distributors to adapt the waste sorting labels to their requirements. The basic layout can be used in colour, black and white or monochrome and can be supplemented with text elements.
The modular structure of the waste sorting label and the various design options enable manufacturers to motivate and provide information to consumers in and outside of Germany by adding freely selectable text elements – for example in English: “Separate waste correctly”.
QR code movies are displayed in such a way that consumers outside Germany see a English short film after scanning than users in Germany. A country-specific module also shows how waste is disposed of correctly in the respective EU country.
QR codes for more information
In addition to the waste sorting labels QR codes can optionally be used, which forward to short films with supplementary information and consumer tips.
This digital information service is particularly popular with the younger generation: according to a recent survey*, more than 50 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds in Germany would like to see explanatory QR codes on packaging in addition to the separation labels.
If requested, these short movies may be individualised, e.g. with specific packaging examples or integration of the corporate design, as in the example of STYLEX. If you are interested, please contact us at film@trenn-hinweis.de.
* survey conducted by YouGov on behalf of Trennhinweis e. V.
Consumers and politicians demand clear labelling of packaging
85 percent of your costumers in Germany would like to see standardised waste separation labels on packaging, according to a recent survey*. The Conference of German Environment Ministers has also recognised the urgent need for action in view of insufficient collection volumes of packaging waste: Distributors should apply standardised waste sorting labels to packaging to increase consumer awareness.
The label has already been vetted through its practical use and extensive trademark clearing to ensure that there are no conflicts with third party rights.
* Survey conducted by YouGov on behalf of Trennhinweis e. V.

How to use the waste sorting labels:
- Read our contract of use
- If you have any queries regarding the use of the waste sorting labels, contact us directly using the contact form.
Conclude the contract of use
- Conclude contract of use online
- Enter your German Central Agency Packaging Register (ZSVR) registration number
- Add your company’s name and address
- Specify your company’s contact person
Download waste sorting label
- All relevant documents, incl. the download link for the waste sorting label, will be sent to the specified email address